(b. Banes, Cuba, 1967)
Juan Miguel Pozo Cruz was born in Banes, Cuba in 1967. He pursues a mythological, narrative pictorial language in his work that distinctly rejects the discursive, instead of seeking the symbolic significance of personal and collective memory. Lost mythologies intermingle with the legends of large cities. Alongside a tangible enthusiasm for the historical and anecdotal on Berlin’s streets and the facades of its buildings, the fragile, sun-drenched beauty of Havana also comes through in his formal compositions. On Pozo’s canvases, multiple layers of color and different painting techniques overlap with one another. Broken surfaces and deliberate gaps are reminiscent of peeling poster, creating surfaces that are both timeless and nostalgic. His strictly conceptually structured compositions combine motifs – some of them original, others he has found – with frequently recurring graphic elements.
Pozo Cruz has exhibited at Galerie Naimah Schütter (Berlin), GE Galería (Monterrey), Galerie LIEBKRANZ (Berlin), SKL Gallery (Palma de Mallorca), and Galerie Prenton und Wiesel (Wiesbaden) among others. Pozo Cruz has completed his studies at the Escuela de Artes de la Universidad de La Habana, the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.
Pozo Cruz lives and works in Berlin.
*For more information about the artist's portfolio, please email us at info@galeriaestereo.com
Selected recent shows
2022 - Freak again. Chinatown Soup Gallery, New York, USA.
- Cadavre Exquis. Gallery Nardona in Venice, Italy.
- Weiss sehen. QuadrArt Museum, Austria.
2020 - Juan Miguel Pozo. Galería Nardone, Brussels.
2019 - Die Zukunft war ein Ort. Janinebean Gallery, Berlin,
- Goliath the man in the high castle. Gallery Nardone,
Brussels, Belgium
- Knoerle and Baettig. Winterthur, Switzerland