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Jesús Zurita: Las Cuentas del Juez Holden

Galería Estéreo is thrilled to present Las Cuentas del Juez Holden, a show of new paintings by Jesús Zurita, inaugurating the artist’s first solo presentation in the Mexico City gallery.

Jesús Zurita, an investigator of nature - both human and the one of the reality- presents his new series of works, encapsulating the last couple of decades of his research. An immersive exhibition, composed of six large canvases situated in a corner of the space, invites the viewer to step in the atmosphere Jesus has created, and deal with the aspect of the humanity we prefer to keep in the shadow. 

Inspired by the novel Blood Meridian, a dense and heavy read by American contemporary writer Cormac McCarthy, this exhibition allows Zurita to strip down the human essence to it’s rawest, existential, and animalistic core. The book recounts the events on the US - Mexico border, referred to as the Frontier, during the Mexican American War in mid-s. XIX, and chronicles the monstrous actions of a band of scalp hunters. McCarthy interrogates the very nature of the official narrative of the history, but Zurita’s concerns are neither political nor ideological. He contemplates the empty space which stays during the transition time of the history, between a civilization and an anarchy, the moment when the entire reality is compressed into one dot. That vacuum of the empty space, and the product that comes from it, is what concerns Jesús, and precisely what he demands to be contemplated when facing his overwhelming and violent brushstrokes.

Opening: Tuesday, Feb. 5

20:00 hrs

estéreo CDMX | Córdoba 150 | Roma Norte


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